Cindy's Journal

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Newport, RI

3D2N:  Newport is best known for many of the Gilded Age mansions.  While summer is the most popular time to visit, we have visited in the winter and the lack of crowd provided a more peaceful experience.  The itinerary below highlights the best of Newport during our past visits.  While Newport makes a great destination for a long weekend, given its close proximately to Boston and Cape Cod, you can easily turn this into a week-long trip! 

* Highly Recommended

Day 1

Day 2

Day 3

Other points of interest & food


  • For Cliff Walk, you can find free parkings on Shepard and Webster streets

  • Pricing as of 2018: The Preservation Society offers 5 house ticket for $35, 2 house ticket for $29 (including The Breakers) or single house for $17.5.  The Breakers only is $24.